
Joost Bruggeman, Jeffrey de Jong and Xander Veenhof met each other in 2012. The three of us were each individually  busy with innovations and developments in surgery.  We combined our interests, work and talent as surgeons in a new company called SurgicalBrainbox. 

While we remain friends, it soon became evident that our individual projects were consuming more and more time.

Joost Bruggeman is now,  CEO of his own company  Siilo, www.siilo.com  , which developed an app for secure medical Messenging.

Xander Veenhof is in the last phase of developing his innovation to perform bowel anastomoses in a safe and predictable way using his bowel perfusionmeter.

Jeffrey de Jong is still the owner of SurgicalBrainbox and senior  surgeon at www.chirurgennoordwest.nl  in The Netherlands.